It is our belief that music and music activities are important parts of the educational program of our schools. We believe that good classroom instruction is a basic requirement of a sound program of music education. If properly taught and effectively supervised, music can play an important part in the development of many of the attitudes and values that we feel are essential to our cultural and national life
We believe also that desireable co-curricular music acitivites should be provided to supplement and enrich the regular classroom acitivities. We believe that participation in festivals offers the opportunity of achieving a high standard of music performance through the use of the music lists and adjudication by trained and qualified experts in music education. We believe that the comments and suggestions of these adjudicators will help the improvement of each soloist, ensemble, or performing organization.
- Artistic Perception - Perceptual and Conceptual Development
- To increase aural awareness
- To encourage musical responsiveness, involvement and discrimination
- Creative Expression - Musical Skills Development
- To develop skills necessary to become capable and intelligent performers, creators, and consumers of music.
- To upgrade the quality of musical performance through adjudication and the selection of music.
- To provide a sight-reading experience under conditions designed to provide a rewarding experience for the students.
- To provide suitable performing outlets and serve to motivate participants
- Musical Heritage - Historical and Cultural
- To provide aesthetic experiences which will promote a sense of cultural values.
- To develop awareness and understanding of the styles, idioms, performance media, and purposes of music that are part of our multicultural heritage.
- To develop community interest and support for the school music program.
- To further promote music as one of the basic elements of education
- Aesthetic Valuing
- To provide a sound basis of musical experience which can be used in making intelligent judgements of musical value.
- To furnish opportunities for students to see and hear their peers from other schools in a non-competitive setting.
SCSBOA Band and Orchestra Festival Host Manual, Page 1