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Samohi Bands - Auditions

Honor Groups

Several professional associations sponsor honor groups throughout the academic school year. These auditions provide an excellent educational opportunity for students because the audition process itself is a highly valuable experience - whether or not the student makes it into an honor group. The process of preparing to perform for critical evaluation with a reward at the end tends to initiate a more focussed and energetic preparation process from the stduent.

For those students who make the audition, the reward is the opportunity to partcipate under the direction of exceptional and outstanding conductors, along with many of the most talented and highly motivated young musicians from Los Angeles County, Southern California, and California.

Before auditioning and committing to an honor group, be sure the verify the legitimacy and value of the honor group with Mr. Sakow. There are, unfortunately, a number of "honor" groups that are more interested in making money, or building the reputation of a particular director, than providing a valuable educational experience for the students.

Students who wish to audition for honor groups must practice honorable behaviors and abilities to be eligible, and to receive the directors recommendation. Please follow these guidelines:

- Carefully read and follow all instructions - exactly. Most organizations provide detailed directions to help students prepare for the audition.
- Be prepared to fully participate at all rehearsals and performances if you are chosen for a particular group. It will reflect poorly on you and your school if you are chosen, and then flake out!
- You must be a fully active and partcipating member of your school ensembles in order to particpate. Students who are not committed to their school ensembles should not apply, will not receive the recommendation of the directors, and will not be eligible for the honor groups.
- Carefully check the school band/orchestra/choir calendars before auditioning. School performances and activities must come first. If there is a conflict, the school committments must come first. Remember, honor groups exist to supplement and strengthen the school groups. Honor groups are never meant to replace school music programs, and would not even exist without the school music programs..

The following links lead to audition information for approved Honor Ensembles:

SCSBOA (Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association) All Southern Honor Band, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble
CBDA (California Band Directors Association) All State Honor Band and Jazz Band
CODA (California Orchestra Directors Association) All State Honor Orchestra


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