The Samohi Serenaders - the Jazz Band!
Santa Monica High School was a pionere in the development of high school jazz education. Because of it's location in the entertainment capital of the world, the school welcomed dance bands, and other ensembles reflecting the popular music of the community. While some schools resisted the idea of developing jazz education, Santa Monica, along with other local schools embraced the developing literature.
After 1984, the jazz ensemble was dropped from the high school curriculum, due to budget cuts.Terry Sakow continued jazz instruction as an extra curricular activity - meeting occassionally after school. In 1999, Dr. Carl Hammer restored the program, and even added the schools first vocal jazz ensemble to the curriculum (initially referred to as the Bluenotes).
Tom Whaley, the district fine arts coordinator, and professional trombone player, currently directs the Samohi Serenaders.