Samohi Bands

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Samohi Bands - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the SMBPA?
  2. What is the Hotline Number?
  3. What is E-SCRIP? Or, how do I get $$ for the band when I shop?
  4. What can I do to help?
  5. How safe is my student?
  6. When/where should I drop off my student prior to a band competition?
  7. I'd like to attend a band competition. How do I do this?
  8. How do I find out the step-off time of the parade and the field show?
  9. What should the student bring to the competition?
  10. What is a typical competition day like?
  11. When/where should I pick up my student after a band competition?
  12. When/where should I drop off my student prior to a home game?
  13. I want to attend a home game. Where should I park?
  14. When/where should I pick up my student after a home game?
  15. What does the Telephone Tree do?
  16. My student is ill. What should I do?



What is the SMBPA?

The SMBPA is the Santa Monica Band Parents Association. This tax-exempt organization is designed to help fund equipment needed by the band. The organization also aids Mr. Sakow and the other band instructors with the band music program. To find out more about the SMBPA and what you can do to help, call Someone (check "Marching Band Officers and Volunteers" under News).


What is the Hotline Number?

(310) 395-3204 Ext. 979
Call this number to hear a recording stating the expected arrival time of the band back at school when it is away for a competition. Check this number before you leave to pick up your student.


What is E-SCRIP? Or, how do I get $$ for the band when I shop?

E-SCRIP raises $$$ for Samohi music programs as you shop without costing you a penny. Everybody eats so there's no excuse not to participate!

  • Register your Von's card and we'll get a contribution every time you use it at Von's/Pavilions. Give us the card number and we'll take care of registration.
  • Ralphs will automatically give Samohi music programs 4-5% of your purchases. Contact us with the information to register your card and you'll contribute every time you shop.
  • Scan your Community Card every time you shop at Albertson's. Contact us and we'll send you one.
  • Go to and register your credit card(s). We get a contribution every time you use a registered card at Wild Oats, Whole Foods, OSH, Big 5, Eddie Bauer, Carl's Jr., Pick-up Stix and other mechants.
  • Visit on your way to on-line shopping at Amazon, Land's End and other on-line merchants and say you support Santa Monica Band Parents Association. Again, we automatically get a percentage of what you purchase.

Contact Syd Bennion at or (310) 451-4522.


What can I do to help?

There are lots of things you as a parent can do to help your student and the others in the band. Try these for starters:

  • Help with ice water breaks at band camps and competitions. Marching causes dehydration, and we are very careful to assure that no one becomes dehydrated.
  • Shop with E-SCRIP!
  • Assist with uniforms. It requires a lot of organization and labor to put the students into their marching uniforms.
  • Help the color guard sew up ever fancier, lighter, more maneouverable flags!
  • Put your literary talents to good use right here! Work as historian, webmaster, newletter...
  • Come watch your student and mine perform! The kids love to perform for their loved ones.
  • Remind your student of the dangers of dehydration, and to ask for a water bearer whenever thirsty.
  • Join the Telephone Tree.


How safe is my student?

We make every effort to make your student's band experience a happy, rewarding, and safe one.

  • Each bus has at least one adult chaparone who carries a list of names of the students travelling on the bus. The chaparone keeps order on the bus and, if a medical emergency arises, carries a copy of the medical emergency card you filled out for your student earlier this year. Each chaparone carries a walkie-talkie to coordinate with other buses and vehicles in the caravan, as well as a cell phone.
  • At the performance location, a first aid station is set up to provide for minor health needs, such as bandages, antiseptic spray, and sun screen lotion. When the band marches, the first aid station is loaded onto a wagon and travels with the band.
  • As mentioned above, one of the biggest dangers during a performance is dehydration. We bring a lot of water, and, except for brief periods when the band is actually in competition, water bearers are constantly circulating in the band formation to slack the thirst of anyone who requests it.
  • The adults in attendance constantly circulate to assure the health and well-being of each student.


When/where should I drop off my student prior to a band competition?

Generally, your student should be outside the Band Room at the instructed time the morning of the competition. Drop your student off in the senior/north parking lot.


I'd like to attend a band competition. How do I do this?

Highway directions to the competition are handed out to band members the day before the competition. In addition, some parents caravan to the competition, and seats may be available for carpooling.
The itinerary and maps are posted on the website as soon as they are available.


How do I find out the step-off time of the parade and the field show?

Mr. Sakow will pass out an itinerary a day or two before the competition. Ask to see it.


What should the student bring to the competition?

Here's a list typical of what your student will need to bring.

  1. Instrument.
  2. Extra reeds, valve oil, etc.
  4. Black Socks.
  5. Black shoes. Clean them with Fantastic or 409 BEFORE YOU GET ON THE BUS.
  6. Blue Band Shirt
  7. White SLEEVED T-shirt
  8. Food - You must bring your own lunch. Bring lots of munchies!
    If you didn't purchase the meal plan you also need to bring dinner.
  9. Water and other fluids.
  10. Extra Black Socks for those flakes who didn't bring their own.
  11. skcos kcalb
  12. Bring $$$$ for more food. (At least $10 is recommended)
  • Girls generally wear a pair of bicycle shorts under the uniform pants.
  • Mark your blue band shirt with your student's name!


What is a typical competition day like?

[Parents are encouraged to attend Band Parents Meetings. The Competition Coordinators will describe a typical competition day and answer all your questions.]

Call time will be 6:30 or 7am. Students will meet in the circle and load onto the busses. (Students will NOT be allowed to board the bus unless they are wearing their blue band shirt.) Busses will depart from school 1/2 hour after call time. Busses arrive at the competition site, equipment is unloaded and camp is set up for the 15- hour day (Mt. Carmel and Stockade are one-stop competitions. Sierra Vista and Arcadia/Moorpark involve two and three moves during the day.). If there is time after unloading the truck students may eat, but if our parade step-off time is early the band and colorguard immediately suit up in partial uniform and begin warmups. After warmups they finish dressing in full uniform and line up for parade competition. The Viking Band completes the parade, walks back to "camp" and changes out of uniform. Students eat lunch then begin rehearsing for the next few hours. Depending on our field show step-off time, students will eat dinner before the field show (if our time is later in the evening) or after the field show (if our performance time is early in the evening). To ready for the field show, students change into uniforms once again, warmup pre-show, perform the show, change out of uniforms, load the truck then return to the stadium to watch remaining bands perform. After all bands have finished, the awards ceremony begins. After awards we load onto the busses and depart for Samohi. Upon arrival we ALL unload the truck and clean out the busses.


When/where should I pick up my student after a band competition?

Call the HOTLINE to find out when the buses are due back. Depending on the timetable actually followed at the competition, this may be earlier or later than the time we all thought it would be when we dropped our studentren off. When you come to pick up your student, do not park on the bus turnabout circle or its approach road. When you come to pick up your student, park in the upper student (Senior/North) parking lot. The buses need the circle to drop the kids off safely. The gate will be locked. There is no parking inside the gate, down the roadway to the circle, in the circle or back down the roadway towards Olympic. If someone arrives before the gate is locked, they will be stuck (imprisoned) inside until all of the buses have been cleaned, emptied and have left the premises. That's usually not a quick happening. The safety of our kids (sleepy, exhausted and not caring which way they're walking) is the priority. Pick up from the Senior/North lot only. Do not pick up on Pico Blvd.


When/where should I drop off my student prior to a home game?

Samohi home games are played at Corsair Stadium at Santa Monica College. The stadium is on 16th Street between Pico Boulevard and Pearl Street. Mr. Sakow will announce the call time (usually 5:00 PM). The games start at about 7:00PM.


I want to attend a home game. Where should I park?

Street parking is available around the stadium. Read the posted street signs before you park.
There is also a parking structure on 16th Street for use by visitors to the college.


When/where should I pick up my student after a home game?

Samohi home games are played at Corsair Stadium at Santa Monica College. The stadium is on 16th Street between Pico Boulevard and Pearl Street. The games end by around 10:00PM. You should arrange a pick up point with your student.


What does the Telephone Tree do?

The Telephone Tree is a set of volunteers who phone band parents and members to keep them informed of important late-breaking information. When your student brings home an important notice, the Telephone Tree may act as a backup to assure that you know that a piece of paper in your student's backpack exists and ought to be read.


My student is ill. What should I do?

Inform Mr. Sakow or call a SMBPA officer (who will then inform Mr. Sakow). You have to make sure we know, so we don't hold the busses. Remember, however, that the band depends on every member being in place.


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